Jiangmen OGJG Lighting And Electronic Co.,LTD
Jiangmen OGJG Lighting And Electronic Co.,LTD


Name:Utility Shoplight linear suspended lamp

Description: it replaces 2 or 3-lamp fluorescent shoplights or strips, and is well suited for work benches, counters, work-shops, studios, and storage areas where general task lighting is needed.


includes mounting hardware and on/off pull chain for easy installation and operation.LEDs rated to 50,000 life-hours and backed by a 3-5 year warranty.

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Jiangmen OGJG Lighting and Electronic Co., Ltd.

ADD:Plant A, No.4-5, Xincun 2nd Road, Sanya, Hetang Town, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China



EMAIL: sales9@oglighting.com.cn

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